look im going to lay this out plain and simple for you. if your instant response to someone being accused of s_xual as_ault is to hardcore defend the accused you've displayed how little you understand about the r_pe statistics.
1 in 5 women will be se_ually a_saulted in their lifetime (18.3%)

out of a 1000 cases, 230 will be reported

out of 230 reports 46 will lead to arrests

out of 46 arrests 9 will face charges

out of NINE charges FIVE will get felony convictions.
if you dont see why people are so quick to back the victim its because odds are they or someone theyre close too were as_aulted and they never got justice. if there was justice there wouldn't be these so called "witch hunts"
and i know at some point there's gonna be the usual dumbfuck guy saying "but what about the guys that falsely accused"

I'm a guy that got falsely accused by my r_pist and im still here taking the ladies side. be better, educate yourself and have some fucking empathy
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