Please point to the relevant text in the Constitution where it indicates that.
SCOTUS is *an* arbiter. While it’s dictates cannot be undone by another branch (not without substantial damage to the system at least), it doesn’t mean other constitutional officers should surrender their own interpretations when doing so will not conflict with the Court.
Again, this is *exactly* what Jackson did in 1832!
Roberts is gonna Roberts. But why should *we* give final say to the guy who doesn’t realize Solomon wasn’t being serious when he suggested cutting the baby in half.
Alternative: Roberts may be under the illusion that there is such a thing as lukewarm hell, but we know better.
Sorry, but John Roberts doesn’t get to cancel Montesquieu because he’s solicitous of Linda Greenhouse’s opinion.
Anyway none of this matters. Voters don’t give a shit about the Constitution. They don’t even know what’s in it.
They inherited this government. They didn’t build it. They think it just is, and that it will be here forever.
The reason Congress rolls over like a dog is *because the people want it to*.

Americans these days are quite disposed to kingly government.
All else being equal, I believe Americans would swap a permanent monarchy in exchange for material guarantees plus respect for basic civil liberties.
“Self government is too hard!”
Professionally these days I feel kind of like an archaeologist.
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