1/13. The COVID-mania backstory.

At the 2016 presidential election, almost 300,000 people voted in Washington DC. 4% voted Trump.

The Swamp utterly detested Trump. They said his policies and his style were ghastly but that wasn't the Swamp's problem.
2/13. The professional political class were most appalled because Trump was just a private citizen who walked off the street and into the White House.

That is meant to be the democratic ideal in a great republic but there was nothing like it since Andrew Jackson in 1828.
3/13. What made the pain of Trump winning so acute was that the Democrat HQ, the Clinton campaign and their friends in the media spent the entire Republican primary season cheering Trump on thinking he'd be so easy to beat.
4/13. The Trump threat to the Swamp is the Trump precedent. If one plain citizen can win the presidency then others might try too.

The Swamp fears the masses will throw up better candidates then it does. Trump is a threat to their smoke and mirror show.
5/13. So the campaign to destroy Trump began on the morning after the 2016 election. Trump had to be destroyed and made an example of so that other private citizens do not even think about running for president.
6/13. Between election night and the Trump inauguration the power of the state was deployed at full throttle with the goal of getting sufficient 'facts' on the table to trigger an impeachment.
7/13. Less than 4 months into the job Trump is hit with a bombshell: Robert Mueller is appointed to lead a Special Counsel Invesitgation into Russian collusion.

The inference was that Trump only won because of Russia and is therefore illegitimate.
8/13. It was preposterous. In an effort to damage Trump, the Swamp was completely fine with straining relations with the world's second biggest nuke arsenal.

Mueller did his absolutely best to get the evidence but after 2 yrs of endless leaks (all bad for Trump) he had nothing.
9/13. This was March 2019. The anti-Trump maniacs were glum ... but they should have been joyful that their president was not in cahoots with foreigners.

Anyway ... they need a new crisis to damage Trump.
10/13. There are many Swamp dwellers (both parties) with kids who sat on Ukrainian boards earning endless $ despite not speaking Ukraine. But somehow Trump did something wrong in Ukraine and was impeached. The senate aquitted in Feb 2020.
11/13. At this point @betfair was paying $1.61 on a Trump re-election. The economy was booming and the Democrats had a field of sub-par candidates - Trump looked to be coasting to victory.
12/13. The Swamp had done their best. Nothing worked. A Trump second term loomed ... but then a particularly bad flu-like virus hits.

The Swamp saw its potential. They hyped the hell out of it giving it a sci-fi name: COVID-19.
13/13. This is a bad virus. Its not in the league of 1919 but it is like 1957, 1968 & 2009. The response to crash our economies, borrow endless money and rip the civil fabric is all unnecessary ... unless you are a Swamp creature and think any price must be paid to destroy Trump.
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