So while @RemaNagarajan criticizes hospitals , @timesofindia publishes 'healthcare awards' every year in different regions of the country.

Here is the list of best Critical care Hospitals
So for those who are not aware how this scam works, someone from @timesofindia calls the hospital CEO and asks them to 'participate' in these surveys or awards
After a few weeks the head of the hospital gets a call saying that your Hospital is chosen in so and so category and you need to pay an x amount of money (generally running in lakhs) to be a part of this.
So basically @timesofindia awards are like the stupid Bollywood awards. Pay money and get an award.
Now what if you don't pay ? If you don't pay then they send rabid reporters like @RemaNagarajan after you.
It seems Hospitals must have not paid @timesofindia this time and hence this article on how Hospitals 'loot' people.
If Hospitals loot people then @timesofindia loots these Hospitals.

So basically your ABG is paying @RemaNagarajan's salary. Stop getting ABG done in hospital. Buy your own ABG machine and ventilator.
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