I’m gonna get real with y’all for a second. Being a Southern Democrat is HARD. I love being a Southern Democrat and all being one has taught me, but it ain’t easy. I grew up hearing friends and family tell me Democrats are baby killers and murderers and that Dems didn’t care.
There is a big portion of the South that feels like Dems don’t care about them. That Dems focus on big cities and states and don’t care about the couple in middle of nowhere Alabama and their mom and pop shop.
They feel ignored as hell so when Dems do try and do things there’s no trust. If you’ve only worked races in traditional blue areas and are working a Southern Dem race this cycle, you need to throw away everything you know. It ain’t gonna work around here.
The best thing you can do to flip voters here is to LISTEN. Make sure we feel HEARD. Care about our struggles and help make an impact well past November. Understand that even strong Dems down here have hit a breaking point at least once.
Most of us have had insults hurled at us by friends and family. Most of us don’t make political posts on socials because we know it won’t go well. Love on us anyway. Have a big damn tent. I promise you that organizing our spaces will be hard but so worth it.
You’ll become family quicker than you ever expected. We’ll love on you so much if you love on us back. Southern Dems are being heard this cycle so much, and I love it, but know past cycles in blue areas ain’t prepared you for our problems.
The South is diverse and beautiful and ready to go. Stop insulting us and get to work down here. Stop insulting us and go knock a packet on a dirt road somewhere.
Stop. Insulting. Us.
The South got something to say, so y’all better listen the hell up.
This got way bigger than I expected and honestly all I have to promote is text 804-223-0770 to get involved with @SpanbergerVA07.
Also if you're organizing Southern Dems for the first time and need some advice my dms are open!
You can follow @emilynbanks.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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