Last Evening the @abcnews reported that PPE was scarce in Hospitals and nursing homes. This morning along the bottom of the screen They reported Nurses and hospitals are finding difficulty getting PPE. I want to report some real news. ON Wednesday 5th August, I attended the
Heidelberg repatriation hospital for a procedure. (See appointment letter later in this thread). It was mylast three monthly check up after getting rid of bladder cancer. I now go to 6 monthly checks. When I arrived, there was only one area where I could enter the Centaur
building, It was staffed by Nurses with Scrubs, plastic over garments, masks and plastic visors as well as gloves. On the table was a box of surgical masks for patients if required. It was full (50 masks). I was checked for temperature and my details were taken. I was given a tag
to show that I had been covid checked. I was then allowed to proceed to the 2nd floor where I was admitted. This time it was different. i was triaged by a Nurse who gave me a gown and a hat and i was then taken to the theatre where the procedure was carried out by a doctor and
two nurses. I was escorted to the theatre by another two suitably covered nurses. They were all wearing medical scrubs, plastic overcoats, masks, visors and medical gloves. After the procedure, which took about 5 minutes, I was escorted back to the admissions area where my gown
was removed and sent to laundry. The head covering was thrown away in a suitable medical waste receptacle. All of the personnel who we passed on the way to the Theatre and saw at other places in the hospital were suitably dressed with the correct PPE. So I have a question for the
@abcnews people. Where did you get your information that nurses and hospitals were finding it difficult to get hold of PPE? Why come out with such sweeping statements? That in my case are just not true? Evidence attached.
Ping @TheRealPBarry media watch.
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