What a pathetic statement from @SpeakerPelosi . Why the F are Democrats are trying to meet Trump "halfway" when Trump is trying to destroy our electoral process and gut social security? https://twitter.com/SpeakerPelosi/status/1292240170272673792
In Pelosi, Schumer, and Biden - Dems have bunch of leaders utterly unprepared & out of touch for this Trump/fascist era.

One way we can have a spark in the Party is to have someone like Warren on the ticket knocking some sanity into the party leaders of neoliberal zombies.
Good question ↘️ https://twitter.com/ggreeneva/status/1292247981920526336?s=21 https://twitter.com/ggreeneva/status/1292247981920526336
Look who is out in front torching Trump’s (most likely) illegal move to gut social security - (hopefully - 🤞- next Senator of MA taking over for VP Warren) @AyannaPressley 🔥🔥🔥

cc: take note @SpeakerPelosi https://twitter.com/ayannapressley/status/1292211559511580672?s=21 https://twitter.com/ayannapressley/status/1292211559511580672
More weak sauce from Pelosi - accepting/mainstreaming the notion that Trump has fascist powers to issue willy nilly executive orders like a dictator of a banana republic.

It’s like having a corpse in a speaker’s suit https://twitter.com/speakerpelosi/status/1292239478598373382?s=21 https://twitter.com/speakerpelosi/status/1292239478598373382
When a useless Trump bootlicker is more in tune with the moment than Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff https://twitter.com/aaronblake/status/1292276314502836224?s=21 https://twitter.com/aaronblake/status/1292276314502836224
Trump's "executive orders are a power grab that tests the Constitution itself. Congress, and ONLY Congress, can change tax policy and appropriate funds. Trump’s orders are unconstitutional, and need to be rejected outright." 🔥🔥 @mo87mo87 from @ACREcampaigns

cc @SpeakerPelosi
Again worth noting - in this meticulous thread @SenWarren not only destroys Trump’s banana republic EO on substance - but she starts with methodically attacking the legality of it. As always she offers lot more than just packaged talking points 🧵🔥 https://twitter.com/senwarren/status/1292257701637107717?s=21 https://twitter.com/SenWarren/status/1292257701637107717
Must read analysis on Trump’s legally dubious banana republic executive order from fellow #WarrenDemocrat @BharatRamamurti https://twitter.com/bharatramamurti/status/1292239279251501056?s=21 https://twitter.com/bharatramamurti/status/1292239279251501056
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