(Thread) The Charter of Imperialism is made of 28 articles (1885 Berlin)... I’ll go over few with examples.

People claim the source of the document is the Royal museum for Central Africa in Brussels, Belgium. Whether it’s true or not, we must admit it matches the reality...
Article 7:
Any power that opposes the slightest resistance to our injunctions loses its legality, legitimacy, & credibility. Must disappear.*****

To name a few in a long list...
* Patrice Emery Lumumba
* Captain Thomas Isidore Noël Sankara
* Sylvanus Épiphanio Olympio
Article 8:
We do not negotiate agreements & contracts with third world countries, we impose what we want on them & they submit to our will.*

To name a few...
* Café cacao (Coffee cocoa)
* Franc CFA
* Natural ressources
Article 11:
Freedom of speech, freedom of association, & human rights only make sense in the countries where the rulers opposes our will.

Free ride...
* The emperor Jean-Bédel Bokassa
* Marechal Mobutu Sese Seko Kuku Ngbendu Wa Za Banga
* Blaise Compaoré
Article 13:
Third world countries have neither culture nor civilization without referring to Western civilization.

Majority of our education system is good for the colonial era. It produces people who believe that speaking Europeans languages, & living in Europe makes you smart.
Article 20:
Any military intervention aims to protect our interests & those of our valets.

This is like yesterday...
Ivory Coast - 2011 French soldiers bombed & arrested a head of state in his own country.
Libya - 2011.
Article 22:
The UN is our instrument, we must use it against our enemies & third world countries to protect our interests.

Self explanatory.
Article 27:
The laws, resolutions, courts & tribunals of the “United Nations” are our tools of pressure against leaders of the countries that defend the interests of their peoples.

If it’s not the grave, they end up at the African Court aka International Criminal Court (ICC).
Article 28:
The leaders of Western powers cannot be prosecuted, arrested, or imprisoned by the courts & tribunals of the "UN", even if they commit "war crimes", "genocide" or "crimes against humanity.

What a shame, I nominate...
* T. Blair
* G. Bush
* B. Obama
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