It bugs me when Spider-Fans say that Spidey ONLY uses his jokes/quips to "disorient his foes".

That is 1 way Spidey uses his sense of humor.

Spider-Man's sense of humor is one of his most versatile tools in his arsenal. It's practically one of his super powers.

He also uses his sense of humor to:

Distract civilians when they're in stressful situations.

To amuse HIMSELF and put himself at ease.

To make himself appear foolish so people will underestimate him.

To strike back at jerks like Jonah, when he knows he can't physically.

...and, of course, to goof around and bond w/ his fellow super heroes. (Even though most of them don't really find him all that funny.) :)

Trust me. There are a zillion ways that Spidey uses his sense of humor in every story. It's not *just* for getting on bad guys' nerves.

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