So. I went to an event yesterday.
There was a woman sitting next to me who decided that it would be okay to attend while she was sick.
She was coughing the entire time; myself & other people weren’t able to move away without disrupting the event.
Here’s why this is Very Not Good:
I’m very sure I had Covid.
I was in lockdown alone (without a bubble) through the vast majority of lockdown - I online shopped etc.
I was tested very early, then late - negative both times.
30% of tests are false negatives.
ALL of the symptoms are the same.
I was ultimately diagnosed as having walking pneumonia.
It’s 21 weeks today since I got sick.
I still suffer from what’s known as #LongCovid - no longer contagious, but my body is still acting like it’s fighting it.

The list is shorter than it was, but far longer than I’d like:
Fatigue, tachycardia, heavy lungs, aching back & chest. Heart pains.
I can’t go to the gym. I can do a 30 minute walk now - a few weeks ago 10 minutes would wipe me out for days.
Sugar, alcohol, too much caffiene cause flare ups.
I went dancing for an hour & relapsed for a week.
How is this tale of woe related to some inconsiderate random at an event?

We’re thinking about relaxing the borders.

As I sit here typing, that thought has those fear-tears in my eyes.
You know - the ones you get when you watch horror movies.

It’s opening the door to a killer.
If my voice counts for anything as part of our team of 5 million, here is my plea today:

Reconsider relaxing border restrictions.

You do not want the horror of this thing.

You don’t want to be terrified, wondering about all the people you love that you hugged, before you knew.
You don’t want to spend nights wondering if it’s time to make a will.

You don’t want to wonder, at 34, if the effects of this thing will be life-long.

If my heart, almost overnight, has permanently aged 50 years.

New Zealand doesn’t recognise #LongCovid or have antibody tests.
One in ten people get #longcovid.

My doctor, although caring, has just kind of shrugged.

@minhealthnz has no info on this at all.

I’m in a support group.People consistently get false negatives but positive antibodies.

Alyssa Milano got it. Kid you not:
It’s taken 6 weeks to see a respiratory specialist with no community transmission.

78% of people suffer heart issues as a result of Covid.

What is the economic impact of that on our healthcare system?
What about the overload, if Covid kicks off again?
To all the people who are worrying about the economy and relaxing the borders:

I would suggest perhaps you are cushioned from empathy and motivated by your wealth.

Unless we have a system that is foolproof (and we’ve all seen the fools) why would we literally risk our lives?
Economists think we’re prepared for Covid to come back, but my arguement is that people’s lives are not a commodity to trade to further enrich the people at the top of the food chain.
Healthcare is a privilege for the rich -
time off work is a luxury.
People have mouths to feed.
People are gonna rock up to things while sick.
People are going to carry this virus unknowingly.
People are going to be sure isolation does not apply to them.
People will take risks.
People are unpredictable & human error is likely - the people *in charge of the border* say that.
Climate change is intrinsically linked to the spread of viruses.

How can we relax our borders when New Zealand doesn’t have sufficient policy in place to deal with climate change?

It’s not even on the table as part of the big issues of this election - why is that?
We’re on a knife edge in NZ.
I’m grateful to be in the privileged position of being alive & relatively well, comparatively.

With a wrecked immune system, I picked up that woman’s cold.

With covid it’s as easy as sitting next to someone for an hour for your fortunes to change./
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