Well the short answer is US !

WE the people and a certain amount of awareness about what’s really going on behind the veil....

It's here right NOW 👊🏻
(1) If we do nothing we are ensuring a New World Order will be imposed on us, that is guaranteed.

We see every system being busily re-arranged completely beyond citizen control.

If we resist we have a chance, a very small chance to retain some semblance of the society and
(2) economy that we knew a few months ago, flawed though it was.

The problem is that those who know what’s really happening are relatively few in number, the larger majority is either blissfully unaware, or so indoctrinated that they see no way out of this mess.
(3) They are; after all, law-abiding citizens, who do exactly as they’re told by their “trusted” media outlets.

What I do notice however, is that the public is waking up, be it in small numbers and at a very slow pace, but waking up nevertheless.
(4) Alas it is to slow to have any noticeable impact.

What’s needed now, is someone taking the lead, someone who can reach the hearts and minds of the “sleeping“ masses, someone who knows how to inspire and mobilize, someone who’s determined and tells the absolute truth.
(5) And there lies the greatest obstacle, for the reality is that the actual truth can not be told, and neither is one allowed to point at the (usual) suspects.


Because those behind the proverbial curtain are in a unique position, for they are also in control of
(6) everything that is needed to reach the public, every tool needed to amplify one’s voice and message, and to give it credibility, is in their hands.

The situation has to become much worse before people actually start waking up, imo, but that will most likely be too little
(7) and too late.

All I hope, is that we will eventually adapt, conquer and overcome whatever is heading our way.

As the main character in the movie “Starman” says somewhere near the end:

“You humans are at your best, when things are at their worst”.
(8) For humanity’s sake I sincerely hope there’s merit in his observation, because I really do feel as if mankind has reached a very significant point in time, where the choices we make will have the greatest, or gravest, consequences....
(10) Couple that with a cashless systems, in conjunction where you can’t trade, buy or sell, maybe even force an implant, a barcode, a tattoo with electronic microchips on the forehead or forearm, a number, a mark, something that identifies an individual, controls them within
(11) society, forces them to do what they are told to do to stay in the ideal citizen column so they can eat, drink and propagate

Gees, that antichrist mark of the beast narrative sounds not that far away does it

The loonie leftist liberals want the US to be China 2.0
(12) If we don’t act now - this is the kind of “West” we will be living in....

The most powerful weapon the "NWO" has is state sanctioned media outlets.

Until people see for themselves that these outlets do NOT fall under first amendment protections because they are
(13) NOT "the press", there will be little change.

They are ministries of propaganda, and as such their sole purpose is to propagate lies and tell you what to believe.

They count on ignorance and lack of critical thought.

The propaganda machine should be the first target
(14) in any push back against the "NWO".

This was laid out very clearly in the early 20th century by Bernays and others while nobody was paying attention or understanding the impact it would have 100 years later....👊🏻
(15) Our most basic institutions are under attack.

We are in grave danger of seeing our Republic disappear under corporate/fascist control and they are racing to grab as much control over everyone and everything as they possibly can.
(16) As stated above the first port o call should be the #MSM and the #FakeNews that brainwashes the masses.

[Civil disobedience]

Are tools in which we need to heed and learn to use - violence is not an option.
(17) This thread is just a reminder that it falls on each of us; those aware of the dystopia awaiting us to act and act up now.

Only WE can stop a new world order...!

Like Q said.... 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
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