"Caesar wept, as he had no more laws to dictate to his Scribes, as his legionaries, seen in the distance from the portico, toasted goblets of wine, amid the ruins of the assemblies." https://twitter.com/ComfortablySmug/status/1292211792299601920
"Marcus Agrippa read Caesar's orders aloud for the benefit of all the clerks and scribes, and, pointing his staff at the Quaestors, ordered that the Treasury now be opened to provide sustenance for the Roman people". https://twitter.com/JStein_WaPo/status/1292215812850319362
"Caesar then turned to his Praetors and declared to them that he had acted for the good of the Roman people - and that he expected Caesar's heirs and successors to be bound always to act for the people's good, similarly, and for that of the res publica" https://twitter.com/professordunn/status/1292222464806621184
"Agrippa saw to it that the hungry Romans were well-fed and provided with denarri. Then - as the despised functionaries of the old order walked through the forum - Agrippa pointed his staff at them & loudly denounced them as the enemies of the #SPQR" https://twitter.com/senatemajldr/status/1292225797894418439
"The despised and discredited voices of the old order spoke without listeners - it was Caesar who had championed the Roman people's cause & the words of his detractors had never fed Rome's hungry mouths". https://twitter.com/RonBrownstein/status/1292204895085326336
"Caesar attended the Senate and his herald announced his orders. The outraged friends of Cato yelled epithets from the backbenches, but Caesar waived them silently away, pointing to the eagle of the standard borne by his Guard, which read, 'SPQR'" https://twitter.com/Breaking911/status/1292210395550298112
"As Caesar and his retinue departed the Senate, carrying aloft the regalia of Caesar's imperium, the rump of the old order remained to grumble among themselves, but were disquieted by the roar of the cheering crowds awaiting Caesar and his benevolence" https://twitter.com/thehill/status/1292267623439372296
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