I know the justice system of Barbados did not simply reprimand and discharge a tourist who blatantly defied the command to quarantine whilst waiting on Covid-19 Test Results.

A woman who went gallivanting and proudly boasted about doing so without regards for protocol.
This is a slap in the face to people who would have gotten sick had her results come back positive.

She could have singlehandedly undermined all the work we did to flatten the curve by becoming patient zero.

I mean... Not even a fine or public apology they ordered her to give?
Did the judge consider in their judgement the people whose lives would have been affected by her callousness, if she had been positive?

Imagine doing everything that you are supposed to do and then becoming infected because someone prioritised their vacation over your life.
Did the judge consider our aging population and elderly in this judgement?
What about persons with non-communicable diseases or respiratory illnesses?

People who could have been be critical or worse had her result been positive.

I am disappointed... Two Barbadoses indeed.
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