(1897) The Birth of Zionism by Austro-Hungarian Theodor Herzl who calls the idea of Zionism a "colonial idea". He originally proposed East Africa.
2)(1917)The Balfour Declaration: Britain gave 55% of Palestine to European Ashkenazis to create Israel. Lord Balfour is a renown antisemite & white supremacist . In 1905, Balfour presided over the passage of the Aliens Act it's primarily aim was restricting Jewish immigration.
3) (1920-30/40's) the creation of Irgun, Stern, and Haganah Zionist terrorist organizations that committed multiple acts of terror in Palestine, against the Palestinians and the British . Ex. The bombing of the King David Hotel in 1946. They disguised themselves as Arabs.
4)(47/49) The Nakba(Catastrophe) Zionists razed 500+ Palestinian villages, committed dozens of massacres incl the infamous Deir Yasin massacre. 700,000+ Palestinians were ethnically cleansed & the colonial settler state of Israel was born. Herzl's "colonial idea" became a reality
5)(June 8, 1967) Israel attacked the USS Liberty killing 34 Americans
6)(June, 1967) Israel invaded and occupied East Jerusalem, the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and the Golan Heights ethnically Cleansing app.400,000 Palestinians. ) Land confiscated by Israel after 67 are considered violations of international law.
7)About the 6-day war:
"The thesis according to which the danger of genocide in June 1967, according to which Israel was fighting for her very physical survival, was nothing but a bluff which was born and bread after the war" Israeli general Matituahu Peled.
8)About the the 6 day war.
Israeli PM Menachem Begin:
In June 67 we has a choice. The Egyptian Army concentrations in the Sinai approaches did not prove that Nasser was really about to attack us. We must be honest with ourselves. We decided to attack him.
Israel continues to demolish Palestinian homes and steal their land..
The Nakba is ongoing..
This is Zionism.
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