It’s said “those who don’t learn from history are condemned to repeat it.” Forty-two-years ago, late President Siyaad Bare govt introduced Family Law (aka Xeerka Qoyska) to protect the rights of women.
As a result, it set his govt against religious leaders & led to his downfall.
Forty years later similar issue is at stake.

Marriage is the most important institution in Somali culture as it’s the foundation of family and the glue that holds together society.

The elements that constitute marriage are derived from both religion and cultural practices.
To modify some cultural practices, which adversely affect teenagers require careful consideration, considered approach and the involvement by all religious leaders.

Or else it is bound to fail and will set the govt against the people – the very people it wants to protect.
Also worth to note, Somalis are very suspicious of foreigners telling them what to do and what’s best for their people.

Hence, the more the UN and other partners remain in the background, the better it is...
Also bear in mind, the new emerging norm entrepreneurs - English speaking, hippie latte sippers, Twitter users - wield little or no influence on the ground.

The real power rests with the religious leaders who lead Friday prayers - and the wind blows where they go....
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