Wondering what changed with the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines, but don't have time to read a 835-page report? Allow me to outline the takeaways for ya
The previous alcohol recommendation of 2 drinks a day for men and 1 drink a day for women has been reduced to 1 drink a day for men and the same recommendation for women. Also, the advice suggesting modest drinking could yield health benefits has been rescinded.
Previous guidelines recommended limiting added sugar consumption to just 10% of caloric intake. That has been reduced further to 6%. This is due to our added sugar intake still being much too high (about 13% of energy intake), especially among children (mostly from fruit juice).
Due to promising emerging science in allergens (I'm particularly excited about this), it is being recommended to feed peanuts, eggs, and other foods that can cause sensitivities to babies in the first year of life might lower risk of allergies in adulthood.
The USDA cannot yet recommend or discourage the practice of intermittent fasting with the current science. It does say, though, eating three meals per day is associated with better diet quality than two, and late-night meals and snacks tend to include more unhealthy foods
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