A little thread on death counts. 🧵

A lot of people like to argue about whether #COVID19 death counts are accurate. I get regular emails from people asking, are health depts counting motorcycle accidents as #coronavirus deaths if that person happened to be infected? etc.
You can see in NY & NJ, the excess deaths hit particularly hard in early on and now have dropped. Whereas in AZ & TX excess deaths in March were low, but then started to rise in the summer. Big picture, it shows that the pandemic definitely IS having an impact on deaths.
Of course, the #Covid19 death count is not perfectly accurate.

But for me, the *excess death* data provides a gut-check that *COVID* death counts aren't wayyyyy off base (as in, a grand hoax, as some ppl claim).
The reporters' conclusions are undeniable: "This is not a normal year."

Thanks @jshkatz @sangerkatz @DeniseDSLu for your vital work!
Also, if you're interested in #covid19 death counts, you can't not read @maggiekb1's beautiful, smart essay on this subject. The Uncounted Dead, which I learned so much from. https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/coronavirus-deaths/

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