Does your club care about you? Saw this asked earlier in the week.

Thread. Emotive. It’s what I do.
No, your football club does not care about you. Which is why you need to hold onto the essence of what football and your club means to you. Brotherhood, family, best friends, misadventures, belonging, escapism, booze, drugs, singing, limbs and scenes. In any order you choose.
The club is the core loyal supporters. They, we, define the club. Our identity is for the most part maligned by owners. We are disenfranchised. But we have something they don’t have; being Tottenham.
So hold onto that. Enjoy the fuck out of it. Rage against the machine, but keep singing and keep belonging to the heritage and your traditions. The moment we are gone, or we give’s no longer THFC.
The days where the experience was cheap, accessible, raw and organic are long long gone. It’s a conscious sacrifice we are forced to accept in modern times. The clean, expensive day trip for an afternoon’s entertainment. It’s going to get worse, in time.
The custodians of our clubs will seek global brand expansion over local allegiance.
So I can only revert back to the singing and the belonging. We all know what it means to be Spurs so use that to fuel your enjoyment (through gritted teeth) and live for the moments, the seconds where Kane slots it in and everyone loses their mind.
In those seconds you are not thinking about season ticket costs or club ownership. You aint even considering where the fuck your missing trainer is as you tumble down three rows of seats.
So COYS. Forever. Because it’s the one thing they have no way of governing or controlling. Unless of course, you allow them to.
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