Re: Ecobank's Sexual Harassment - My Greatest Disappointment!!!

I promised to drop what has so been my greatest disappointment so far on this app. I have always been someone who detest injustice in whatever form. My father brought us up to be the voice of the oppressed. I AM!
2. I was a member of Civil Liberties Organization and Committee for the Defence of Human Rights in the hey days of the military. I know the risks I was exposed to as students' union activist until people within the fold sold out. A friend was shot right beside by Mopol. Life!
3. A great soul I have never met before on this app reach out to me that he needed to bring something to my attention, I opened my DM and we had a long chat where he laid out the allegations against an employee of Ecobank who was using his position to obtain sexual favours.
4. I made sure I had enough facts so as not to look stupid.... I will never impune anyone's name. I was given contact details of some of the victims. For privacy sake, I won't be able to share their identities or reproduce the evidence given to me. I was greatly upset and angry.
5. I worked in 🇳🇬 till 2006 & I saw how pple were using their authority to intimidate women to submission. I encountered same thing as a university student. Emboldened that I have enough evidence, I reached out to the contact center of the bank through Twitter....what a mistake!
6. The Contact Centre is a cesspool of immorality and decay....every graphical evidence I shared with the Contact Centre found its way immediately into the hands of the alleged culprit. By the following day, some of the alleged victims were contacted by pple from the Centre
7. sending to the alleged victims the screenshots of my chats with them. In no time as expected, the victims started calling me with fear in their voices. One of them went as far as cursing me strongly. I knew immediately that I was up against a terrible system but remained firm.
8. Some wonderful friends from this app took the matter straight to the attention of the Head Office, I was contacted by the Head Office, I gave them all the facts of the case. Within days, more people came forward on this app to make more allegations, in no time more victims
9. came forward. Altogether, 8 alleged victims were identified and statements of claims shared with the bank's HQ. While the bank's HQ claimed to be investigating the issue, the alleged culprit picked on one of the alleged victims and arrested her husband cos the hubby mentioned
10. the name of the alleged culprit. The alleged culprit was boasting that he's untouchable. The culprit used men of Ketu Police Station to intimidate the arrested husband ensuring that he was reporting to the station every day. The lawyer he had was a huge error as well.
The lawyer was collecting 10k from the victim's husband for every visit to the Police station without really protecting his client. I also tried to engage a lawyer to handle the but that's another story. The alleged culprit using the police pressurized the arrested husband to
12. sign an undertaking. I got the contact details of the DPO at Ketu Police Station, I was really expecting too much from a compromised police. I have a copy of the Undertaking which forbids the victims from relating with me again, never to comment on the case on twitter,
13. withdraw the allegation and claim I was the one pushing them. By this time, half of the victims who had earlier confirmed the issue began to change their stories. The alleged culprit told the arrested husband that the bank told him to get the pple to drop the allegations for
14. him to be let off the hook. With the Undertaking signed, the culprit rushed down to the bank's HQ, what next! The bank issued a statement saying no allegations were established. Out of 8 victims' names given to the bank, they contacted 3 who confirmed the allegations.
15. When I received the bank's no case statement, a part of me died. We have a system that shields crimes but criminalize victims. I lost it for Nigeria's corporate world. I think being abroad made me to expect fairness and justice. The pple I was fighting for made me their enemy
16. I was contacted by CNN Africa but I said we should give the bank an opportunity to do a thorough investigation but I guess I was wrong.

Two things stand out. Nigerians are a funny bunch to fight for. The rot in 🇳🇬 is deeper than imagined. I was marked out to be attacked
17. but thank God I am not in Nigeria. Nigerians remain the problems of 🇳🇬. A lawyer worked against his client, an accused used his influence to kill the case, the bank connived with the culprit with the active participation of the Police.

My conclusion? We Are Not Ready!
18. A wonderful friend on this app linked me up with CBN but I had lost so much steam that I didn't follow up. Another wonderful friend called the attention of the bank's MD to the case but no good outcome. We need to stop shaming victims of sexual harassment.

Who's next?
19. Atimes, living so long abroad does not help when you are dealing with things in Nigeria. I didn't know any of the victims but the humanity in me made me fight for them. I will continue to fight against injustice in any form but Nigerians are dangerous to fight for.
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