Big Ag & Tech risk greenwashing with their soil carbon sequestration efforts.
. @Charli3Mitchell argues in The @NewRepublic that efforts by companies like Microsoft, Cargill and McDonalds to sequester carbon in farmland are both ineffective AND redirecting public attention from needed farm-system reforms. He's partially right.
Companies are under increasing pressure to fight climate change. Paying farmers to use farm practices - like no-till or cover crops - that are thought to store more carbon is often cheaper than reducing emissions. This incentive leads to some unsupported claims.
Overall, MANY people & companies exaggerate the potential of soil carbon sequestration. @WRIFood highlights how some have claimed that soils can sequester implausible amounts of carbon - more than the world's soils have lost over thousands of years.
Even the leading expert on sequestration & winner of the World Food Prize, Rattan Lal, says it is possible that the potential of agriculture to sequester carbon has been "oversold"
While the potential is oversold by advocates & companies with skin-in-the-game, farming STILL HAS a lot of potential to draw down carbon and we ought to take full advantage of this!
There's broad consensus that several farming practices, like cover crops, perennial rotations, and planting grass or other vegetation along rivers & streams substantially sequester carbon AND provide other environmental benefits.
Measuring carbon sequestration IS a challenge, but also one that's largely solved. Hundreds of field studies (with more constantly being conducted) have given scientists reasonable certainty how much large scale programs, like @USDA's, sequester carbon.
REGARDLESS of soil's potential to store carbon, the focus on it serves to get companies & policymakers off the hook for other important impacts: atrocious labor conditions, methane & N2O emissions, water pollution, supporting tropical deforestation, aquifer depletion and more.