earlier I went on a run to the beloved bakery in the hood I grew up in & when I got there I waited in line for a while only to see that they sold out of all the good stuff & I decided I couldnt possibly run back & so I went to ask the mom of a childhood pal if she'd drive me home
It was a flawed plan from the start -- i was going to get a treat and eat it in the park and then run home but by the time I got there I was just sweaty and breathing heavy in a line & then I had to ask my friend's mom to drive me home like some 13 year old
she said "you ran all this way??" & I said "yes ma'am" (it's a 3 mile run) & she gave me A Look & said "well...ok now..." in a way I have known black elders to say it which suggests this encounter might be the source of some email gossip later today
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