How to speak to someone with mental health issues (or just generally going through a tough time) : A THREAD
Support them. Listen to them. Remind them that they are loved.

Be patient. Getting out of a dark place takes time.

Ask them how you can help.
Reuse their words.
To many of us, breakdowns, episodes, meltdowns, panic attacks, anxiety attacks, etc. are pretty much the same thing. But some words can carry connotations that make them feel uncomfortable. When they describe a situation, try to reuse the terms they use.
(If applicable) Provide resources. Helplines. Services available in their area etc.
Avoid problem solving. "You just need to sleep more."

Don't make assumptions or trivialising statements about what they are going through. "It can't be that bad"

NEVER try to diagnose someone if you are unqualified.
I hope this helps any of you who would like to know. All the love x
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