A short thread on how I shoot these videos https://twitter.com/krishashok/status/1291752088800616448
This is the camera setup. It's a tripod from Croma and I use an iPhone to shoot these.
I then use Adobe Premiere to edit the videos and Logic Pro X for recording and mixing the music for them.
My original idea was to strap a GoPro to my head and record full-length videos while I talk through what I'm doing (like @kenjilopezalt on YouTube) but I realized that the amount of ambient noise was too much, so I switched to the 2:20 length constrained Twitter format
In retrospect, turns out to have been a good decision because it takes me less than 30 mins to edit the video after I finish cooking, so this is more scalable and sustainable, and the music recording happens over the weekends (plus reuse of lots of half-baked projects)
I think sustainable creativity requires that most of the work you put in be industrializable while leaving you a time-constrained canvas for doing fun stuff like syncing the dropping of the tadka to the "Soll" climax in the music https://twitter.com/krishashok/status/1285241491548303360
You can follow @krishashok.
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