Videogames get a lot of flack in this sphere.

They aren’t the problem, it’s the excessive consumption of them that is.

I’ve played videogames all my life, and still became a millionaire.

I don’t use them to escape.

I play them for inspiration.

There’s a lot to learn from videogames that people foolishly don’t scale to real life.

I view most games as interactive artwork.

A book lets you peer into the mind of someone else.

A videogame let’s you INTERACT with a COLLECTION of creative minds.
You can learn strategy, tactics, finesse, timing, execution, world building, and more from videogames.

There just has to be a limit to your consumption and a time to transmute those skills into production.
It was my fascination with PC gaming when I was a kid that led me to being passionate about building computers.

My dad introduced me to building computers instead of just playing games with them.
I wanted to build the best gaming machines my limited budget allowed, and it was my passion for building them that led to my fascination with ATI and AMD.

At one point, they existed as two companies, ATI for GPU’s and AMD for CPU’s.

The two companies eventually merged into AMD.
It wasn’t until I started making a lot of money in sales that investing became extremely interesting to me.

It felt foolish to be making so much money and squandering it away, that investing was the smartest and most logical next step.
My expertise in sales led me to being introduced to a very important man.

He was a multi-millionaire, and he saw a lot of himself in me.

He always believed in me and regularly checked on my progress.

A true mentor, not someone I paid.

I was chosen.
One day, he told me his investment thesis (which I will never share with you, so don’t ask), and I told him that AMD fit the bill.

The next day, he came up to me and told me he was investing $2M into AMD, because of what I told him.

This was back in 2015.
Seeing as how someone as rich as he was had so much faith in my advice, that he invested so much money into something I told him about, I figured I would start a long position myself.

I will never tell you how many shares I own, so don’t ask.
This investment, assuming his family held shares after he died, netted he and his family over $75M.

This same investment is what made me a millionaire.

People ask if he paid for me for the tip.

Not with money.

He instilled knowledge and insight I’ll have for a lifetime.
Had my father never introduced me to building computers, this never would have happened.

Had I not a passion for gaming, I never would have built computers.

You can learn a lot from them.

Just be wise with your time, and scale what you learn and what you’re passionate to life.
You can follow @dread_game.
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