The Evolution of Clinical Trials in Metastatic Breast Cancer: Design Features and Endpoints That Matter - on demand - the patient perspective @itsnot_pink and Tiah Tomlin @MyStyleMatters2 #ASCO20 1/5
Clinical trial features-Communication of medical research and clinical trials-clear/concise/visual. Patients as #partnersinresearch - share results. #MetastaticBC is a marathon - MTD may not be #TheRightDose. Reduce barriers - we need trials BECAUSE we are sick. #bcsm #ASCO20 2/5
Endpoints that matter? ASK the patient! All pts are different, and their answers may change over time. Living longer is always better, but progression free survival can have positives for patients-psychologically and possible keep symptoms from getting worse #bcsm #ASCO20 3/5
Quality of Life Matters to patients w/ #metastaticBC. Patients make trade-offs of length of time and quality of life, this is complex for each patient. Getting side effect info directly from other patients (PROs) is important. Measure what matters to patients. #bcsm #ASCO20 4/5
Diversity of participants in clinical trials is important. Lack of diversity can impact pts by not looking at side effects in different ethnic groups-possibly approving drugs successful in one subset of pts and ineffective/intolerable in a diff subset of pts. #bcsm #ASCO20 5/5
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