
1. Your playlist consist of songs that are meaningful & deep. Your favourite songs will be those written for someone or those describing a happy event or songs of heartbreak or pain.

2. You became teary-eyed when Nairobi was shot.
3. You find Romantic Comedies exciting even when it's boring & probably doesn't make sense to others. You cherish scenes were the guy always get the girl and they live happily ever after.
4. You practically Daydream about everything you will do with your soul mate once you meet him or her.
Even when you find someone attractive you start dreaming about the possibilities of the two of you being together in the future.
5. You stalk your crush. You always check what your crush is doing. You may not be following him or her in order to not get caught but you do have them on your top searched.
6. You're shy whenever your crush is around. Even when you've imagined yourself talking to your crush numerous times, you just can't make that dream a reality.
You automatically get tongue-tied when your crush stands in front of you.
7. u're friends come to u 4 relationship advice. Somehow bein a HR🥀 makes u view love 4rm a very unique perspective, a more natural & pure perspective. They come to u 4 advice because of d way u view love somehow u give dem hope dat their relationship'll survive d test of time.
8. No hate is found around you. You're genuinely happy for those who find love & share it on their social media.
9. You're hopeful for love. You have this conviction that love will find you even. You have this faith in destiny & fate.
10. Your favourite word(s) is 'Awwww' & 'God when'. You just can't help it, when you see something cute that makes your heart melt you just release those words. You may not say it out but inside you, your heart says it.
11. Little things mean alot to you.

12. You've a favourite celebrity couple.
13. You have this high expectations for relationships. Your expectations are inspired from RomCom movies or novels & those expectations might not be realistic to fulfil your expectations in real life.
14. You vividly remember your first kiss.

15. You're always happy when your friends relationship is doing well.
16. You love what you do. When you're given a task you tend to do it with your whole heart & without hesitation.

17. You're truly sad when relationships you admire breakup.
18. In a relationship, you're not scared to show the world your partner, you want to flaunt them. They're your avi, your chat wallpaper, your wallpaper and so on. You just can't resist the urge to show off your partner.
19. You just can't bare to see people around you sad. You may not feel good at that very moment, but the urge to make others happy comes natural, you can do that anytime & any day with ease.
20. Your relationship standards are very high. You maybe asked to describe a partner and you end up describing a non existence human. You seek perfection, like those in the movies or books you read...
And you may miss chances on ending up with people who guarantee happiness if given the chance, but because they don't fit the description, you miss out.
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