

(1)Govt Banks
(2)Post office RD etc
(3)Gramin Bank

Above are backbone of Indian economy, even today 50%+ India's average income must be not more than 20-30 thousand per month

Pvt Bank won't allow RD less than 500-1000 Rs/PM where as in SBI or post. +

In SBI or post office one can open RD of even 100 Rs, my father had RDs of 100/200/500 Rs

This structure should be strengthen and not be demolished

Rural banking is collapsing day by day, Govt should take care of the same
It can be connected with agricultural, milk etc +
All the money with Govt should not be invested in the market economy which Govt is actually intented to do, by banks privatization

In case if it happens, lot of lehmans brother will happen here

It should never happen

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