A thread on success:
When we’re young, one of the main questions we’re asked is, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”

Yet it’s less about what we want to be, and more about what job we want to have.
When we say what we want to be when we grow up, initially without restraint or consideration of what’s “realistic,” we’re either laughed at for having an imagination or told to consider something we’ll actually be able to do.
We’re taught to make ourselves smaller so we can fit into “grind culture,” which @TheNapMinistry describes as, “the collaboration between capitalism, white supremacy and patriarchy.”
We’re made to feel lazy for not wanting to spend every moment of our lives grinding towards a capitalistic idea of success.
The reality is that work isn’t the point of life. Labor isn’t where life is fulfilled. And power is not the goal.

We’re free to imagine lives that transcend grind culture, lives where we can truly be satisfied.
I dare to believe none of us will ever be satisfied in a world where we’re seen as cogs rather than full humans—loved and worth loving.
You can follow @lewisalex10.
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