Thank you @biannagolodryga for hosting me on @CNN today! Today I discussed the advocacy that I've been doing regarding the nuances of return to school.

Quick summary thread:
1) schools, prior to the pandemic, were sources of stress AND education. Kids face social, personal, educational, and family distress because of school. Of course education matters, but there are many ways to deliver it.

2) many times, my primary job is to help kids with this distress. They are suicidal, having parental conflict, or experienced a social challenge because of school. My job, in that scenario, is to deprioritize school so kids can get their mental health and wellbeing on track.

3) so, when safety requires it, we routinely pause, delay, or deprioritize school. A worldwide pandemic can be one of those situations.

Claiming that returning to school is "crucial to kids mental health" is simplification.

It matters, but it ranks beneath health & safety.

The details are below: but when we return to school, we have the opportunity to change how schools affect children. We don't have to go back to the way things were.
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