People are earning BIG BUCKS online...

But how are they doing it?

How can you do it too?

Here's a list of high-income skills you can learn

With no college degree, and very little to NO investment.
// THREAD //
Table of Contents:

- Info products
- Email marketing
- Affiliate marketing
- Social media marketing
- Copywriting
- Web design
- Graphic design
- Coaching
- Blogging

Let's begin...
Info Products:

You've seen a lot of this one on Twitter.

In essence, this is where you take a topic you're knowledgeable about and turn it into a guide or course.

Make it targeted - solve a specific problem for someone.

Take your knowledge and package it up neatly.
By doing this you can pass on potent, specific information that will shorten people's learning curve

Massively accelerating their progress towards solving the problem

Sure, the information exists elsewhere...

But you can shorten the work necessary to find it.
Email Marketing:

Building up an email list - a list of people who like you & you can email regularly.

Give them a free guide as incentive.

Provide value to them up front. How? By

- Telling stories
- Teaching lessons
- Solving problems
- Inspiring people
- Entertaining
Then you intertwine an offer into your emails.

Maybe you sell info products, affiliate for others' products, create a physical product, or offer coaching.

Maybe you do all of the above!

Email lists are a top-tier digital asset & can be big $$
Affiliate Marketing:

You're familiar with this one if you've been on Twitter for more than 5 minutes.

This is simply connecting people to products that other people have already created.

It's a great way to earn your first dollars online.
A major benefit of this is that you don't actually need to *create* anything.

Someone else has done the work for you.

The product is done. They wrote the copy.

You get to leverage their marketing and sell a fully complete product - and earn a commission (typically 50/50)
Social Media Marketing:

This is what most of the big accounts on Twitter are doing (in addition to email marketing, info products, and coaching.)

Put simply, this is when you create a brand on social media.

You build an audience who likes & respects you.
Doing this is creating a personal brand.

You can choose to use your name/face, or keep it anonymous.

People find it easier to trust a name/face.

Anonymous accounts can be more controversial without fear of backlash.

Either one is good - depends what you want to do!
If you want a resource to start building your brand on Twitter

This is the best around

Not only will you learn how to create a brand

You'll learn how to create info products, do email marketing

And quickly monetize your account (aff)

This is one of the most lucrative skills you can possibly develop online.

Essentially, it's written sales.

Every time you see an ad there are words attached to it, right?

Those words are copywriting.

When you learn to do this well you are in HIGH demand.
There's infinite profits to be had if you can skillfully help businesses increase their profits.

And when you get good at it?

You can increase just about anyone's profits.

Copywriting is about leveraging proven marketing tactics.

It's the backbone of all online biz.
If you want to learn Copywriting the right way

Check out the grand-daddy of all Copywriting courses by @ComedicBizman

He's hooked it up with a MASSIVE 55% discount code for you guys - I'll apply it automatically (aff)
Web Design:

This is exactly what it sounds like - creating websites for people and businesses.

Nearly everybody in the online business world needs a website.

And that website needs to load quickly, look good, and function well.
When you learn to deliver these things effectively, there's a lot to be made.

@thedankoe earns many thousands/month doing this

And has a fantastic course that'll teach you everything from the ground up.

No background necessary. (aff)
Graphic Design:

Similar to web design in a way, but focused on creating graphical assets for businesses and entrepreneurs.

Whether it's...
- logos
- banners
- book covers
- profile pictures
- images for ads
- Twitter headers
- graphics for someone's website
Or any other number of digital assets..

If you have a creative, artistic side to you

This is a FANTASTIC way to start earning money online.

@HustIeAesthetic is a great example of someone CRUSHING it in this line of work

Plenty you can learn from him

Underrated but powerful way to earn online.

You can create a blog with a topic you're passionate about

Write to it consistently, create quality articles, and there are MANY ways to monetize.

Some of the most popular ways to monetize:
Hosting ads - the more clicks you get, the more you earn.

Sponsorships from authors and other businesses who want reviews to get eyes on their products.

You can affiliate market through them.

Drive traffic to your other offers.

And more!
One great thing about blogs is that they can be a lasting asset.

One great blog post can potentially be earning for you 5 years later!

If you want to learn how to Blog & Monetize like a BOSS,

Check out @TheEmilyDyson's course below(aff)

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization

It's the technical, back-end process of getting websites to rank higher in search engine's results (think Google).

It's a powerful way to increase the organic traffic to a website, helping them earn more money.
And as we covered with Copywriting...

If you can help businesses earn more money

There's a HUGE opportunity for you to earn a piece of the pie for yourself.
As you can see... there are a LOT of opportunities to earn online.

All you need is to pick one (or a complementary group) that interests you

Gather some resources to learn from

And then GO...

& stay consistent until you get results.

Now... go make some money.
If you're still here, thank you for reading this far!

It wasn't a short one, but I hope you got a lot of value out of it.

Now you should have a better idea of your options.

If you enjoyed, please scroll up & RT the original tweet & help others discover new opportunities!
You can follow @devinmcdermot.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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