Thread: Debunking Dylan's Video
(Aka Educating liberals)

(1) I want to clear some things up about Dylan's video. A lot of things in his video don't line up (at all).

I don't support infighting but I will combat disinfo & misreading info. I think his video is misleading.
(2) I watched his entire video, beginning to end. This guy is not just walking away from the Q movement, he's painting a VERY bold picture...

I've been awake for 10+ years, way before Trump & Q. I'm not talking from a Q standpoint, I'm talking from a knowledge standpoint.
(3) I encourage you to watch his video & form your own opinion. You might or might not agree with me.

The Narrative:
The big picture of his video is that Trump might be the antichrist & Q is a cult. We worship Trump & Q. We are leading people into the NWO. (Awakening controlled)
(4) Breakdown:
The video starts off criticizing Christian's & QAnons for not being God like implying that some are not "real" Christians. WE ARE ALL SINNERS, imperfect people... That's why Jesus sacrificed himself.

The bible says not to judge people.
That also means Christians.
(5) He's judging people for judging him.

A real Christian is a believer in God & Jesus (not perfect people). We are all guilty of judging others, all Dylan did was prove that by doing it.

Main thing that turns people away from Christianity/church is holier than thou Christians
(6) Abramovich:
She made a comment about Trump, saying "he is the magician that will wake people up" (her words).

I'm not surprised that a spirit cooking, devil worshiping witch used the word magician.

How does her acknowledging he could wake up the world make Trump bad?
(7) Then he ties Q into with the phrase "The Great Awakening". I'm lost as to how the world waking up to the truth is now a bad thing.

Anti Q narrative:
He pushes the already used anti Q narrative that arrests have not & will not happen. Also implying Trump linked to Clinton.
(8) In the process of red pilling & Uniting the country, you have to appeal to both sides. He knew her arrest wouldn't happen right away.

Dylan is right about CV19 being used to push the NWO agenda. Bill Gates is leading the push along with the system.
(9) Where does Trump fit into the NWO plan? Because he is wearing a mask? Trump has been working with the Doctors that stood up & took HCQ to show the people it was safe.

Dylan said QAnons are like a cult.
[MSM narrative]

He also said we sound like Democrats. Truth vs lies? 🤔
(10) I don't think Trump will make the CV19 vaccine mandatory. If he did I wouldn't get or give to my kid. I'm anti vaxx but I support the right to choose (free will).

As an Anon, I know vaccines are one of the hardest topics to red pill people on. Awake people will defend them.
(11) The majority of the country support vaccines, Trump can't just stop the use of them. He can show support for HCQ & help put light on it though.

Old news:
Dylan is using old facts to sell the narrative that Trump is part of the [deep state]. The coffins & guillotines
(12) and FEMA camps happened under Obama, years before Trump & Q. Yes, that was the [deep state] moving forward.

As far as the U.N. coming after us, good luck. Trump supports the 2nd Amendment. What Military branch can deploy in U.S.? We wouldn't be alone.
(13) Trump is anti globalism (NWO), he made that very clear, even at the U.N.

Also Trump doesn't control the economy, the privately owned FED does. Trump had it BQQMing before CV19. Would the enemy need Trumps help or blessing to release CV19? Could [they] just do it by choice?
(14) God & Jesus are #1, we should all read the bible, pray & look to the word as guidance. I'm guilty of not doing that.

What's going on is biblical (no doubt). Revelation definitely lines up with how things are. It was lining up before Trump & Q.(
(15) If NWO wanted to use HCQ to hurt us, why would the system push back so hard against Trump to stop it? Is it less harmful (safer) then vaccines? Are Doctors & Trump taking HCQ?

I don't like 5G, he is right about that being bad. But HCQ & 5G (combo).
(16) Again... Why would the system try so hard to stop HCQ, if that system wants us to take it?

The Goldberg recording says Trump is a jew & [deep state]. Then why is the system trying to stop him?

Can we trust Mr. Goldberg? 👇
(17) Who do you trust more, david goldberg, a person that might be even exist or the world's largest group of researchers?

How come this is only coming out right now? I couldn't find any documents, just that recording.

Was that recording really enough to change Dylans mind?
(18) Could that recording be fake news?

Could that be the [deep state] setting up a narrative before an Iran FF?

Could it be complete bull💩?

Why didn't it come out before CV19? Why wait till right before the election?

Timing is everything is a 2 way street. 5:5?
(19) Dylan says top people are starting to mention the New World Order. THEY HAVE BEEN!!! I have clips of, Nixon, Bush, Clinton & Obama (& others) talking about it.

He's trying to align all this stuff with Trump but we have been down those rabbit holes, I never saw Trump in them
(20) Trump is taking on a world wide (massive) enemy, if course people are going to love him for it.

I don't worship Trump or Q.

We are a unit in a war & they are fighting with us, not above us.

Understand this, we could win without Trump & Q, they couldn't win without us.
(21) That's why they asked for out help. We the people hold the power.

No one is above the other. Together, Q, Trump & the people are a perfect storm

We are not a cult, we are a unit.

Some people's actions don't apply to all. We are a diverse movement of truth, not group think
(22) Trump banned Epstein when he found out he was a Pedo, something Dylan didn't mention. That's important to know.

Another key point he didn't mention. Trump openly said he was part of the special club & that he was being attacked because he left the special club (to expose).
(23) Dylan is pushing narratives with old already been dug info & using the names of God & Jesus as a shield to hide behind.

The best chance we have for God to heal our lands is to wake people up & show them the truth, also show them the lord. Show them everything!
(24) Maybe we won't be able to stop the end & our lands won't be healed but we have to try.

Read the bible, pray & fight back!

After everything that has been uncovered, how can anyone turn on a movement that's fighting back against the beast system?

Dylan has no discernment.
Dylan said he believed that God told him to kill himself. God is against suicide. 'Christian's know that's the devil talking'.

Now he expects people to trust his judgment about Trump & Q. All of a sudden they are bad...

Dylan didn't just walk away, he turned (180). Why??? 🤔
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