The Mighty Thor
Strike Feats Thread
Deadly Physical Force

It's common knowledge that Thor is a massively over powered character, he has accomplished feats that defied logics. This thread will showcase some of The Elder God Hybrid's insane strike feats.
Let's Crack some skulls!
Thor at his base form without fear , took the fight to the Phoenix Force and with a massive strike knocked out it out. Thor attacked the embodiment of life & death weakened it? ... Power!
Thor engaged Gorr the God Butcher in a savage fight to DEATH! Across the cosmic space waves brutal blows were exchanged. Every single strike delivered by Thor shattered PLANETS.
Not even Galactus is safe from Thor's punishment , Thor flew past Silver Surfer at speeds were the herald was unable to counter, he then targeted the head of the world devourer launched himself like a cosmic bullet and shattered it... Boom!
Thor is not the type to run away from a fight even when he is injured ... Blasphemy!
He had Silver Surfer rolling in dirt due to his powerful strikes, headbutted the Harald flattening his forehead like incomplete cake.
After Thor bashed Galactus's head in Silver Surfer got his share . Pure savagery. You want to die on Mars? I have no problem killing you on Mars.
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