1. So:

Probably not a popular policy, but if I were in Government I'd have secure detention camps for illegal immigrants. Make use of military premises: there's a camp 5 miles up the road from me with dormitories for 600 people - hardly ever used.
2. There must be many similar camps nationwide.

People who arrive here undocumented shouldn't be free to mingle with the population. Some come from regimes with very different cultures to ours & some will have deep hatred for the west. Some will just disappear into society.
3. Putting that risk on citizens is negligent IMO. We don't know who they are, where they are from or whether they have a criminal record or hold extreme views.

'Take back control' and mean it.
4. I'm not suggesting illegal immigrants be kept in squalor. If the military camps are good enough for our soldiers, where's the argument for suggesting we'd be treating the immigrants inhumanely in housing them in the seldom used/disused camps?
5. Here's the trade off:
If it currently costs circa 1k a week to house each immigrant, why not offer each a lump sum to return to their home country?
6. DNA + fingerprints and if they sneak back into the UK again, immediate deportation, no tribunals.

There has to be a deterrent to slow down the flow of illegal immigration. The present hotel facilities are the inducement for the scale of illegal immigration we're seeing.
7. And get to bloody grips with the black market economy. There's 'Leicester sweatshops' in every town. They are low hanging fruit for HMRC. Each factory, farm, construction site that is using illegal labour is costing the country tens of thousands a year in lost tax revenue.
8. The employers reap the capitalism, the tax paying citizens pick up the socialism bill for the black economy.

It has to stop if we're going to build a more equal, safe, tolerant society.
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