No doubt we will be hearing a lot more about UK/EU relations in the next few months.

The issue is, the difference between the sort of deal the UK is trying to negotiate and the WTO default, is only slight and confined to a few sectors. The big decision has already been made:
that was leaving the customs union.

The current controversies are about Level Playing Field policies and how much much fishing access the EU will get. What’s not often reported is that the UK has already agreed to LPF policies and allowing the EU to fish in its waters.
Where the UK draws the line is signing up to a requirement to adopt the EU’s specific laws, and allowing the EU to manage access to UK fishing waters. That’s what the EU is asking. Not only is it wholly unreasonable, it’s also unprecedented.
The two main things the EU says it wants

1. access to British fishing waters


2. robust level playing field conditions — the UK has already given.

That the EU is not accepting them, which suggests its true agenda is something else.
There's going to be plenty of Remoaner bs over the coming weeks on this subject.

The UK govt is actually negotiating in good faith. Time for the EU to act in good faith.

Look at Chapter 27 on the environment
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