@jbrukh is one of crypto's sharpest thinkers.

A quick thread on how the team at @fluxprotocol approaches the 9 core value propositions Jake outlines for @coinfund_io's investment thesis. https://twitter.com/jbrukh/status/1291499898735677441
1) Permissionlessness, censorship resistance

Flux is open-source, permissionless, and can never be shut down, creating the plumbing for markets

@JasperGooijer built his first startup around analytics for Facebook publishers. The constant API changes kindled his interest in web3
2) Borderless, Global Access

Prediction markets are one of the heaviest regulated sectors in finance, with jurisdictional hurdles limiting growth.

Anyone can interact with Flux via command line or open apps. We connect traders from across the world with $DAI as the medium.
3) Public governance, governance as software

To truly build sustainable open-source software, you must have a process of continuous innovation for generations to come.

$FLUX fits this role by providing network security of our oracle and governance mechanisms to promote growth
4) Political decentralization, regulatory arbitrage

We have thoughtfully devised a strategy to put $FLUX into the hands of distributed honest actors.

Flux receives insulation against any single jurisdiction and ensures long term health and sustainability of the protocol.
5) Capture resistance

Our fly-wheel approach to capture liquidity, apps and users ensure developers and resolvers choose the best version of Flux

Fragmented liquidity between two forks would lead to a worse user and developer experience. Liquidity is the key factor among forks
6) Mutualization, secondary markets

$FLUX token powers the core functionality of the oracle and maintains network security.

Token holders participate via direct staking or indirect staking via pools. These token holders earn $FLUX and $DAI and benefit as open interest matures
7) Privacy, security

Centralized prediction markets store and sell private data.

Flux can never own or sell private data of users, in-fact the protocol never logs more than the address you trade from, which with @NEARProtocol can be entirely anonymous.
8) Trustlessnes, outcome certainty

On Flux, code is law and outcomes are predefined, by the rules of the smart contracts (markets). Nothing can stop markets on Flux from distributing funds.

There is no counterparty risk, intermediaries, or external dispute resolution required.
9) Cryptoeconomics, recursive incentives

Programmatically the market cap of $FLUX always targets 5x the total open interest on the protocol for security purposes.

This mechanism ensures every holder of $FLUX has an intrinsic incentive to help Flux grow and lock liquidity

@coinfund_io hasn't invested in a project built in the @NEARProtocol ecosystem to date

Maybe @fluxprotocol will change this narrative for CoinFund and fast before $FLUX is on mainnet 😉
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