Thoughts after my first block as an academic ID attending.
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1. People who say attending is harder than residency and fellowship do not accurately recall how hard residency and fellowship are.

2. Leading a team of 11! (me, attending pharmacist, ID fellow, senior resident, intern, 2 M4 students, 1 pharm resident, 3 pharm students) will get you mistaken for ortho multiple times a week. This will be a personal highlight for you.
3a. Trainees are THIRSTING for teaching.

You will worry that rounds are taking too long

That you are using too much socratic method

That sending them back to Bates to look up the lung findings on lobar pna will be beneath them.
3b. They will tell you on #feedbackFriday that they are grateful to have someone hold them accountable for their knowledge.

That teaching the physical exam is rare.

That the best thing you did was work through their thought process, even though it was uncomfortable at first.
4. You can't do any of that without making it a #SafeLearningEnvironment.

State that you are going to keep asking questions so you can find the edge of their knowledge.

Celebrate success!

Use phone a friend, kick it up the chain.

Be open about the edge of YOUR knowledge
5. It is August. Giving explicit instructions to you fellow on how you want the team run will be necessary and appreciated.
6. It is August. You will need to give VERY clear directions on how the notes should be written. This will initially be met with skepticism, and then embraced. "I never really thought of my notes as a teaching tool for the other teams"
7. You will think often (daily? hourly?) of the people who modeled amazing rounding teaching for you - senior mentors, near peers, and peers. @PaulPottingerMD David Spach @gradydoctor @jeffrey_lennox @Armstrws Lisa Bernstein @JenniferSpicer4 @tpeck_86
8. You will feel at home in a safety net hospital, caring for folks in the midst of two epidemics ( #HIV and #COVID) because you have been #GradyMade, #EmoryProud, and #UWStrong.

You will remember daily the privilege and joy of being an #academicphysician.
9. Finally, by the end of week 2, you will be humbled by every pregnant woman who has gone before you working a physical job.

Rounding 29 weeks pregnant is no joke. #CompressionSocksAreNotEnough #ImNotMadIJustBreatheAlot
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