This is 99% of times.

When people leave you they expect (want) to bump into you in the future and see you worse than you were when they left.

Rarely do people wish you good - especially at the end of a relationship - when they say "I wish you all the best."
It's not even about hating you.

People don't want to feel like they made the wrong choice by leaving you.

They need confirmation that leaving was the best thing to do, and that they were right.
Think of it this way

If you're in a better place long after they left you, then they automatically translate it to mean one of two things:

- they were the toxic one
- they made a mistake by leaving you

In either case, it's a loss for them, and they don't want to feel that way.
Getting confirmation that they were right - by seeing you worse than before - is how people cope with all the bad relationship choices they make.

It's nothing personal, it's a lifestyle.
This is even more so when that person isn't working on improving their life.

Then they really want to see you fail.

You'd be surprised, but this is also the reason so many people remain *friends* after a breakup.

They are just waiting to see who ends up worse.
Cut off all ties.

Work on your goals.

Forget them, let them keep wondering what happened to you, and forget who was right or who was wrong.

Don't spend a moment of your life on this meaninglessness.
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