uh, what?
I understand the desire to forget 2016, but thems the facts.
in the NYT's defense, Sen. Kaine is basically the most forgettable person in America.
to be clear, this isn't the fault of NYT's social media team. the error comes directly from Maureen Dowd. the error also eluded the opinion editors.

there's not a single mention of Clinton/Kaine 2016 in the entire article.
there is no sentence where Dowd clarifies that she means it has been 36 years since a Democratic male nominee has chosen a female VP. the statement is simply: it has been 36 years since a Democratic man and woman split the ticket.

this obviously is not true.
did the NYT's news division also purge opinion's fact-checkers?
anyway, solid work by a Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist.
i'm just... how did this factual error make it to print? have ALL editing and fact-checking duties been outsourced to freshly graduated babies?

are there any adults left -- or at least staffers who can remember as far back as 2016?
ah, well, yes. other than that.
well, that was an entertaining exercise in completely avoidable screw-ups. can't believe they did Clinton 2016 dirty like that.
heh heh heh https://twitter.com/HillaryClinton/status/1292110214028767233?s=19
"It has been that long since a [Democratic] man chose a woman to run as his vice president."


The 2008 Republican nominee for president chose a woman as his VP.
honestly, what is going on over there?
not sure these edits will cut it. Clinton/Kaine and McCain/Palin undercut Dowd's entire article. assigning historical weight to a male/female Democratic ticket ignores 2016. and if Dowd has concerns about treatment of Biden's VP, she should review her own treatment of Palin.
it's embarassing, but NYT should pull the article and have Dowd rewrite it. the way it stands now, even with corrections, the historical comparisons between Biden 2020 and Mondale 1984 are forced, especially when there are much more recent examples of man/woman party tickets.
the corrections aren't minor. the entire premise was that by picking a woman, Biden would be treading waters untouched since 1984. not true. and if man/woman ticket dynamic is what you want to review, there's 2016 and 2008. you go to 1984 only if you forgot the other two.
so, even if the corrections don't suggest a major mistake was made, you're still left wondering why Dowd is talking about, of all things, Mondale 1984. the reason is because she screwed up and this is now a salvage job.

tl;dr corrections can't salvage. pull and re-write.
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