Literally all we want is accessible and safe healthcare for trans* people, women, and other marginalized groups. That’s it. Healthcare. In a pandemic. And the premier is blocking people making it known how he is actively refusing us that care.
NB has been in violation of the Canada Health Act re: abortion access for many years. The federal government withheld a portion of the health transfer payments, the money residents paid out of pocket for abortion (over 100k) but released the funding due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
C554 is NOT a private clinic like Higgs and Flemming claim. It is a family practice that also offers trans* and abortion healthcare, as well as specialized care for HIV positive people.
The government of NB withholds funding for the clinic despite being a family practice because they offer DESPERATELY needed out of hospital abortions.
NB refuses to cover out of hospital abortions but only offers them at three hospitals in a condensed area, this is not access. C554 is used by patients all over the Atlantic bc it is one of the only offices to offer specialized trans* healthcare as well.
This isn’t a question of *if* this government is on an active crusade against women and gender minorities. They are, and aren’t being held accountable. We are on a last push here, things don’t look good.
Anyways! I helped organize this webinar about reproductive justice in the Atlantic provinces and what the actualizaton of such would look like!! Please register and attend, and contact your local officials!!! Put the pressure on!!!
Please register for the upcoming webinar hosted by Reproductive Justice NB and the Save Clinic 554 campaign:
Imagine: Reproductive Justice Beyond Clinic 554
You must register in order to attend, so please sign up! 💖🌿⛅️🌈
You can follow @shealynnexo.
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