There’s still a long way to go for the #Marlins, but the job Don Mattingly and @StottsFishing have done to get a pitching staff missing its 3 top starters and 8 of its original 12 relievers through this week unbeaten is beyond mind-boggling.
And you could write a book about the way one unlikely contributor after another has stepped up on the mound, at the plate and in the field for this team. It’s a testament to character, belief and desire. And it’s a lot of fun to watch every night. #RideTheWave #Marlins
I mentioned this on @MarlinsRadio last night. This team has used 43 different players in only 8 games. That’s as many or more players than the #Marlins have used ALL YEAR in 9 of their previous 27 seasons. 8 players have already made their #MLB debuts. And there are more to come.
The Marlins have used 8 different starting pitchers in their first 8 games. According to @EliasSports, the only other team to do that: the 1904 Phillies. No team has used 9 different starters in its first 9 games. That might change tonight. And yet they continue to find a way.
Finally, while it’s so unusual for me to be physically removed from the team for the first time in my 29 years in Baseball, it’s hard to not be overwhelmed by what a good group of guys these are. They love playing the game. They love each other. So much fun to watch. #Marlins
There are going to be bumps in the road in the days and weeks ahead. That’s undeniable. But let’s enjoy riding this wave and see where it takes us as this franchise takes a huge step forward in its quest to achieve its ultimate goals.
You can follow @GlennGeffner.
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