Ok lemme break this down: Colorism is the daughter of racism and it is usually within your own social group, though this is true when you step outside of your community racism has more complex consequences the darker ya complexion as well. We did not create it but did inherit it. https://twitter.com/choycebrown/status/1291913623720169472
This has been stated many times I’m tired of these barely scratching the surface ass conversations of colorism, the bullying/ name calling darker ppl endure is only the face of this issue! Colorism goes far more in depth than that, if we gon have a discussion LETS GET DEEP
I think some ppl think colorism is silly bc the majority constantly brings up the bullying, I agree that should be addressed, now let’s show the world the uglier side. Let’s talk ab how DS girls are 2x more likely than their LS counterparts to be sexually assaulted...
DS boy and girls more than 2x likely to be suspended than their counterparts for same behaviors, DS boys more likely to sexually assaulted, DS less likely to get jobs over their LS counterparts, have you seen the stats on DS girls and sex trafficking?? Aw
This ain’t even all lol to an extent were even raised different and definitely policed different, all Black children have their innocence erased by society but the darker the complexion the further the erasure..
Not to mention... colorism is directly related to anti- blackness bc it literally is anti-blackness lol you hear it in all the “jokes” our community uses, you hear it in everyday conversations, on the media, etc
Oh and those stats I listed are why only DARKSKIN PPL are victims of colorism, real life consequences... the bullying LS girls talk ab steam from projection or shitty/superior like attitudes “LS cute mean girl” attitude. For LS men it’s the issues of ideals we hold ab masculinity
- so if one of the traits of darker skin is aggressiveness, LS folk will be seen as what? Softer. It’s simple. This does not mean you as a LS person faces colorism
I could continue but if this don’t help y’all out then shit me going further in depth Gon be like talking to a brick.
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