This is known as negative selectivity; so they spotlight on the UAE's weapons and turns a blind eye to #Turkey's weapons and #mercenaries!
@LibyanIntegrity 1- I have no doubt that you begged #Turkey to occupy & dump us with #Jihadi #mercenaries, They couldn't do such a shameful act without the support of some Libyans.
@LibyanIntegrity 2- This is on the one hand, and on the other hand; We have been killed in #Benghazi, most cities in eastern #Libya, & even #Tripoli since 2011 by foreign & Libyan extremists funded by #Qatar& #Turkey, being treated & receiving their training from Turkey & Qatar.
@LibyanIntegrity 3 - Children/ women/soldiers, media figures and opinion leaders, have been killed for many years as I mentioned above 👆🏼just because their political orientations do not coincide with “political Islam” and its military arms.
@LibyanIntegrity 4 - I do not support the #UAE and I reject all foreign interference in the #Libyan affairs, and I did not beg anyone to protect me from extremists when they occupied my city, my region and my country ..
@LibyanIntegrity 5 - I stood years in the squares peacefully demonstrating against them under their rockets, Until #LNA came and we got rid of them forever in our region; and soon we will get rid of them in all our country.
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