Avoiding public transport? A new #LowTrafficNeighbourhood is on its way to help more people feel safe walking, cycling, scooting or wheeling in Forest Gate, Maryland and South Leytonstone. LTNs are being introduced across London as part of COVID-19 measures. Drawings by @rectripp
‘Filters’, usually planters & removable bollards, will stop rat running traffic, while letting people cycling and walking through. Vehicle access will still be possible to every address. This means less traffic, and streets where it feels safer to walk & cycle, and cross the road
Haven’t cycled for a while, but want to start? Newham Council offers free adult and family cycle skills sessions, booked on a first-come-first-served basis – great to build confidence and skills, to help you make use of the new quieter streets by bike: https://www.newham.gov.uk/transport-streets/safer-healthier-streets/3
If you don’t have a bike, you can borrow one. Try Before You Bike offers new or nearly new bikes, from £10 a month for kids’ bikes, to £20 for adult bikes, and £50 for electric bikes. If you like it, you can buy it at a discounted price, or pay monthly https://www.newham.gov.uk/transport-streets/safer-healthier-streets/4?documentId=33&categoryId=20149
You can follow @BetterStsNewham.
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