Since Kong will be streaming again I thought I would do a thread on how to use twitch!
Step 1: Twitch is really simple! You download the app (you can also watch on desktop) and the follow the channels you want to see.
Here is Kong~
You follow someone by pressing the heart button and then you can turn stream notifications on or off with the little alarm bell.
Step 2: Start watching! It really is that simple. But keep reading for information about how to subscribe/donate/chat.
How to subscribe: you can subscribe on the app or on mobile by pressing the subscription button. It will tell you how to pay and then you're good to go! You pay for it each month (my sub is $5.99 usd, it may be more in other countries) and it lets you use his emotes-
-and watch without ads. You also get a little badge next to your name. But a subscription isn't necessary to watch the stream so don't feel like you have to!
How to donate: there are 2 ways! The first (and best) is bits. You can click the little diamond in the chat to buy bits. This is best because twitch doesn't take part of the donation, it all goes directly to the streamer. 100 bits is equal to $1 usd
The second way is through his donation link but I tested it and it has been disabled for now so I will do a thread on that later. Moving on to twitch etiquette!
You can speak languages other than Korean in the chat but they will be ignored for the most part. If you do speak Korean don't use 오빠 (oppa) or mention vixx. The moderators and Kong don't like it.
A few phrases you can use;
콩하 (Kongha aka how to call our bean)
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ (laughing sound like lol)
화이팅 (hwaiting which means you can do it)
잘했어요 (you did well)
Finally: the twitch chat moves very quickly so don't be surprised if he doesn't ever see your messages, just enjoy watching Kong and supporting him in what he does!
If anyone wants to translate this thread feel free! I can also help with twitch questions, I used to stream and I am a moderator for a couple of chanels so I am very familiar with twitch.
If you read this far I love you and everything is gonna be okay ♡
More things to call Kong
콩형 (Kong hyung)
콩님 (Kong nim)
형 (hyung)
More banned words:
사랑해 (I love you in korean)
I love you
You can follow @jeshika2014.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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