video that just came out of the boys "fighting" with simon — a thread
first of all, this video kind of came out now but it is from October 20th 2015, the only time they cancelled a show
apparently, that concert in Belfast, was cancelled because liam was sick when we all know the boys have made shows in worse conditions: harry vomiting, niall with injured knee, etc.
now, this is the video from this day. you can heard at the beginning, niall, a woman, other person and then simon. you can hear it SO clearly.
this is the video, it is spanish but anyway. when some fans first started talking about it, i looked it up and couldn't find any video. yesterday, we found this one. was it a private video posted on 2015 and now put on public?
if you can pls screenrecord as it can be deleted if syco or anyother see it. i also think it can be the ONLY video on yt as the others could have been deleted as i said before and not this one cause it was private all the time until now
so let's start analysing the video. this is what i hear, i could be wrong, pls tell me what you hear on the comments
you can hear CLEARLY "bring zayn back". does that mean that zayn didn't left but the kind of forced him to leave?
then someone says "there must be a real reason why they (i first heard he, so i can hear both) didn't come out.
if it was he, they could be talking about zayn (bc of the beginning). i looked up what come out meant. only two of the meanings made sense to me. come out as come back (to the band again idk) or tell the truth, what it really happened.
+ maybe that there must have been a real reason why he didn't tell the truth about all of modest? because maybe niall didn't know they silenced him or forced him not to say anything.
if it was they instead of he, i thought they could be talking before the show, debating reasons why THEY didn't come out to the show. it makes sense if you think about it
the simon says modest had lost control. did they lose control when zayn left? bc of the rumours of they mistreating them? or because the audience was less when he left? tell me other reasons they could have lost control
lastly, who recorded all of this? it looks like someone who works there (because they were on a reunion) or even the boys. you can clearly see they are recording secretly. could it be someone who works there that wants people to know the truth? or even the boys?
end of the thread. comment your thoughts but i will be uploading it if i see more info.
i always thought zayn left because of his mental health but what if they forced him to leave and he just did it because he actually needed it?
okay so remember harry in the extended version of adore you you can see at the beginning belfast in the world map, zoomed a lot, as if he wanted us to see it. do you think it is a coincidence or not?
sent by @ilomilovol6 i don't know, there are many theories about this. what do you think about this one?
didn't think of continuing but... this day also louis leaked home. what happened this day could have made the boys angry so they didn't want to perform and louis leaked home as "revenge"?
many of y'all say it is when the show was cancelled, a fan saying bring zayn back and then there must be a real reason why they didn't come out, asking for reasons the show was cancelled. it all makes sense. but why the person (that i said it was simon and everyone +
+ is telling me it looks nothing like his voice, anyway) said the management had lost control? didn't they cancel the show bc liam was sick? nothing adds up
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