My 12-yr old asked if we could watch The Mist. He's currently reading IT, so I've no qualms about him reading/watching @StephenKing, but I had concerns about him and the movie's ending. Then he revealed something to me about how Gen Z consumes horror. Here's a thread about that.
2. I expressed my concerns about him processing the ending and he said, “I already know how it ends. I saw it on YouTube.” Turns out, there are a bazillion YouTube channels summarize various horror films via clips. (Continued)
3. In addition to The Mist, he knew the plot of Halloween and the entire Friday the 13th series. It reminded me of when I was a kid, and my parents wouldn’t let me see Alien, so I stood in the bookstore, sneakily reading the graphic novel instead, while my parents shopped.
4. That didn’t impact my enjoyment of Alien when VCRs we’re invented and I finally saw it. YouTube clip shows don’t seem to impact Gen Z’s enjoyment. Kids will always find ways to subversively access entertainment that interests them. But encourage them to talk with you about it.
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