okay so im being teacher Jupiter for this one. What this reminds of is False charity https://twitter.com/Rossmac212/status/1291494584447574017
False charity term coined by Paulo Freire in his book Pedagogy of the Oppressed (would highly recommend)
in here he explains how in a world that is unequal the and unjust, charity exist in most forms to upold that inequality.
because we view the "loser" as a nature outcome as much as the winner
so this sort of charity is seen is going over and above what is expected. What happens is it validates the inequality as necessary to inorder to have these "good deeds" happen all why avoiding the solution to the problem
the reason this video is like a snapshot of a bigger issue is that the only purpose of giving the houseless person food is to look good.
because we dont view being out on the street as bad, but as a natural result of a system of winners and losers , we see this sort video as a sign of good moral character.
had this disparity not existed in the first place there would be nothing to validate. Thus no justification for the disparity
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