How have we failed Muslim women? [THREAD]
While most of us will bash feminism and other secular ideologies (me included), how can we also ignore what leads to sisters being driven to those extremes?

There are so many issues which we as Muslim men are silent on, and this in fact aggravates sisters!
On one hand, we will talk about gheerah for Muslim women in some other country where them and their families are being oppressed and tortured by tyrants.

But when a sister is abused or receives inappropriate messages in the Muslim community, that gheerah disappears!
I've heard this from many sisters of how it's almost impossible to use social platforms, as they are instantly at risk from having men enter their DMs trying to chat them up!

And these aren't just any kid. Some of them are in fact students of knowledge, imams or high profile...
...members of the community!

I've seen and heard of many cases where discord mods or students of knowledge DM sisters in their servers, or look for second wives on FB and Twitter.

It's a despicable abuse of power. But that's not the worst thing.
What is even worse is that it's become normalised. It is not even dealt with in a proper manner. Those who are caught will usually just get a reprimand and then continue participating in that environment where vulnerable sisters are!

It is not surprising that many liberals will come out and say "yeah they wear Hijab/thobe but they're probably sinning in private" - when people of Ilm abuse their positions to get themselves pleasure.

Because unfortunately we are now falling towards the same hole that...
...the Christian church did. How?

We wear the cloaks of scholars and imams, but some of us are in fact rotten inside, and act as hypocrites to what we preach. In some ridiculous cases, we use Islam to justify our actions, or to aid us in committing sins, astaghfirullah!
And we wonder why sisters are driven towards feminism! And why they are so quick to "believe women" based upon just one accusation, when no evidence has been brought!

Because we failed to listen to them or believe them when they come with their concerns. We ignored them.
When prominent scholars tell sisters to stay in abusive relationships or don't aid them in their divorces, they find it harder to believe that Islam is in fact just to them.

Because we failed as their protectors.

Allah (swt) says:

الرجال قوامون على النساء
But have we fulfilled our responsibilities?

I heard from a sister recently:

"We are brought up all our lives to believe that we don't need to worry about anything, because the man - our husband, brother or father - is responsible for you, and will protect you. But...
...when we see how they dismiss us when sisters come with stories of abuse, or how immature and jahil some boys/men are, how can we ever have trust in men?"

We failed our responsibility. Allah (swt) told us to care for our sisters, to have gheerah. But we have deviated.... far that they not only lose faith in Islam, they move to feminism and other secular ideologies, because they can actually be heard.

When sisters find out their husbands have taken a second wife in secret, how do you think they feel? Joke about it all you want, but...
...for them, it's a betrayal. They feel as if they haven't done enough.

And this is why the scholars of Islam said marrying a second wife isn't recommended, if you can't even fulfill the rights of the first!

Yet when they justly oppose that jahiliyyah, some of us...
...will go "Oh, you're a feminist" or "Are you opposing Islam?"

No, in fact we oppose Islam through this idiocy! Yes, complain about feminism all you want. But you cannot also be blind to the injustice which drives sisters towards it.
And the sad thing is that this is prevalent within all communities. Whether it's Salafi, Ikhwani, Sufi, Deobandi etc.

And the only ones who speak out against it are deviant institutes such as Yaqeen, who add small sprinklings of the other extreme of jahiliyyah into it.
So don't complain when sisters strongly defend Yaqeen. They back them because unlike everyone else, they're actually being heard at last.

If we don't address their concerns, and give them their rights as prescribed in Islam, they will go and find someone else who listens.
However, it is important that at the same time as solving these issues for our sisters, we do not also justify the feminist ideology based upon a kufri secular liberal agenda.

We don't follow our desires, either way. We take the middle ground, guided by the Qur'an and Sunnah.
My final message to my Muslim brothers:

Start acting like men. Not children. Act like men, and fulfill your responsibilities which have been delegated to you by Allah (swt).

The Prophet (saw) was the best to his wives, and so were the Sahabah after him.
Do not bring harm to those names when your juhl and silence for your sisters drive them to say "Men are trash! Men shouldn't exist!"

And a final message to my sisters too.

Allah (swt) is always with the one who has been wronged, so long that they stick to his path.
So my dear sisters, stick to the path of Allah (swt), and do not follow the whims of Shaytan. Do your best to help end this jahiliyyah through Islamic means and principles.
May Allah bless us and guide us all, ameen.

و صلى الله على سيدنا محمد.
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