One of the things that really helped my self esteem was accepting and acknowledging that I have and will ALWAYS have ADHD.

That ADHD will always be a part of me.

I also stopped thinking/ wishing that I didnt have it. That line of thinking only makes you feel worse.
That allowed me to then start working on and around my symptoms.

I know its easier said than done but it was crucial for me.

Hating such a large part of me made me hate myself.

I hated ADHD and hated myself for having it.

But it wasn't my fault. Its just a part of me.
Think of it like going through the 5 stages of grief after finding out you have ADHD.

You gotta deal/ get past the anger, bargaining and depression to reach acceptance.

(The 5 stages model is pretty much debunked but I'm just using it as a metaphor)
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