The anatomy of TRUST.

What is trust?

Many people talk about trust and how important it is

Because it is important!

Trust in short is; Trust is choosing to make something important to you vulnerable to the actions of someone else.

But lets dive deeper.

To explain trust i will use a method called BRAVING explained by Brené Brown


You are clear about your boundaries and hold them, and you are clear about my boundaries and you respect them

Without boundaries there is no trust.
b(R)aving - Reliability

I can only trust you,
if you do what you say you are going to do.

This means that the frequency of what you say compared to what you to must be reliable.

You can not gain my trust if you only are reliable once, you must be it always.
br(A)ving - Accountability

I can only trust you, if when you make a mistake;

You are willing to
Own it
Make amends

I can only trust you if when I make a mistake;

I am allowed to
Own it
Make amends

If there is no accountability, there is no trust.
bra(V)ing - Vault

What i share with you you will hold in confidence.

What you share with me i will hold in confidence.

Two sides to the vault;

If someone shares anything with you that is not theirs to share.

You can not trust that person.

Don't be this person yourself.
brav(I)ng - Integrity

I can not trust you if you don't act from a place of integrity, and encourage me to do the same.

So what is integrity?

- Choosing courage over comfort
- Choosing whats right over whats fun, fast or easy
- Practicing your values not just professing them.
bravi(N)g - Non judgment

I can fall apart, ask for help and be in struggle without being judged by you, and

You can fall apart, ask for help and be in struggle without being judges by me

Trust doesn't exists if help isn't returned and non-judgemental.
bravin(G) - Generosity

Our relationship is only trustworthy,

if you can use them most generous things about

my words, intentions and behavior

and then check in with me.

So if i screw up, say something or forget something
you will make the most generous assumption about it.
So we've got:


This is the anatomy of trust, and it is complex and difficult.

But if you want long lasting, trusting relationships these are the steps you must follow to get just that.
If you've come this far

I hope you enjoyed this thread and got something to work on in your life if you weren't already.

I know i will work on all of these for the rest of my life.

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Much love ♥️
- Muno
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